Licensing Sub-Committee - Wednesday 6 November 2024, 7:00pm - Wandsworth Council Webcasting
Licensing Sub-Committee
Wednesday, 6th November 2024 at 7:00pm
An agenda has not been published for this meeting.
Disclaimer: This transcript was automatically generated, so it may contain errors. Please view the webcast to confirm whether the content is accurate.
Thank you. I've been informed that the meeting can commence, Chair.
Wonderful. Okay. Then let's get started. Yeah, let's get started straight away. Thank you.
Okay, so welcome everybody to this licensing subcommittee meeting. This meeting is being
held completely remotely. So bear with us if there are any technical issues or we have
any problems. My name is Councillor Morris McLeod. I'm chairing this meeting. I'm chair
of licensing. I now because we're online, it's good so that we know who's who. I now
invite the other attendees to introduce themselves starting with the councillors
who form the subcommittee. Hello I'm Councillor Matthew Tiller, I'm passing subcommittee.
I think you're muted councillor.
Can you hear me? Oh, I'm not sure if you can hear me, can you?
Sorry folks, I've lost my sound. Can you hear me?
Yes, we can hear you now.
Yes, we can hear you. Can you hear us though?
I can hear you now, Chair. Yes, thank you.
Apologies, technical glitch of mine before we've even started. We didn't hear that before,
yes I'm Councillor Guy Humphries, Councillor for Southland and partly a member of this committee.
Thank you very much. I now invite the officers in attendance to introduce themselves.
Yes, Guy Bishop, Legal Advisor to the subcommittee and part of Southland Legal Partnership.
Good evening Chair, it's Caroline Sharkey, I'm the Licensing Manager and over to Julie.
I'm Julie Hopkins, Principal Licensing Officer. Thank you.
Is that everybody? No.
I'm Marianna Ritchie, Democratic Services Manager.
And I think we've got Michael.
We've got Tony Hunt as well, Observing Chair.
I'll let him introduce himself. Thank you.
Good evening, Tony Hunt, Licensing Officer, just observing. Thank you. I believe Michael
Flowers is also in the room. He may have fallen off for a bit, but he's around. And then the
applicant I believe is Marcus Donker, is that correct?
Yes, please. And is that the correct pronunciation of your
name? That's correct, please.
Thank you. And is there anyone else on your side representing you or is it just are you speaking about yourself?
I have Courtney Lloyd. So she's the head of operations at the Mavaid.
Thank you. And then I believe we have three representations, three people who are making representations to the committee.
I'm not sure if they're in the room at the moment. Michael would normally tell me, but I think he's fallen out of the room himself.
Apologies, Chair. There was just some intermittent issues, but I can confirm that we had, of the three representations, the two who confirmed they were attending are in attendance, and there's been no correspondence from the other representation.
Okay, that's wonderful. Thank you. Okay, so moving on, are there any apologies for absence
or declarations of interest for any of the items on the agenda? It looks like a no. So
moving on. Thank you. But it's worth saying that before we proceed and owing to the sort
circumstances around the application, the following guidance and following guidance
from our council officers, I'd like to formally now propose that we consider the entirety
of this agenda with the press and public excluded under Licensing Act of 2003 regulations 2005,
as it's considered that the public interest in doing so outweighs the public interest
in being able to access the hearing. I propose that to the subcommittee. Members of the committee,
are you willing to accept that? Yes, I am.
Thank you. Thank you. In that case, can I ask the Democratic Services Officer to confirm
when the webcast is closed.