Executive - Monday 14 October 2024, 7:30pm - Wandsworth Council Webcasting

Monday, 14th October 2024 at 7:30pm 









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1 Declarations

2 Matters for decision

So we've got two papers which we're signing off on tonight.
The first is the grounds maintenance contract award.
So we're going for the recommendations in paragraph two.
For a little bit of background, we had a discussion at the over -inscurity committee around some
of the details of the contract, specifically in terms of the relationship between the contract
and maintenance on our highways, particularly around leaves, and also around cleaning on
estates, so how the contract is going to interact with existing contracts we have with cleaning
You'll also be aware that we have a kind of in -house part of the contracts around horticulture.
So our own team that liaises with whatever contractor that we choose, which we spoke
very highly of in the committee.
So we're recommending that, and it was supported at committee.
And then the second paper is the HRA business plan update, which outlines our long -term
predictions around the viability of the housing revenue account.
It's a, I have to say, in relationship to the national picture,
it's an incredibly strong, we have a strong investment plan, but
we also have a very strong and healthy HRA.
So we're in a very privileged position.
It means we can continue with building council housing and having a strong
maintenance and repairs capital works program, whilst also not having to
kind of worry about some of the cutbacks that other councils are facing.
And our HRA business plan remains well, you know, viable.
It's beyond viable.
It's not even crossing the threshold yet.
Our borrowing is going to be very careful based on interest rates and based on the best
deal we can get for ones with residents.
But it's a strong HRA business plan.
Thanks very much.
I don't know if there's any comments or questions.
If not, just taking those in order.
Is the grounds maintenance contract award agreed?
Very good.
And the HRA business plan update?
Thanks so much.
So if it's all right, if we move on to transport next, Councillor Yeates.
Thank you, Councillor Hogg.
So the transport committee met on the 7th of October and I'm pleased to report that
All the papers were agreed on supported unanimously
by the committee.
So first we had a paper updating
on the installation of bike hangers.
And I'm pleased to report that we have installed
record numbers of new bike hangers.
And we have started a consultation
on a new phase of bike hanger installations.
And we're planning for a fifth phase beyond the current one.
We've also been doing a lot of work on installing bike hangers and improving bike storage on
our housing estates, which we feel is very important.
We then went on to discuss some changes to the Battersea B9 CPZ.
This was really to confirm changes which have been in operation for some time under a temporary
We then reviewed the annual petitions review.
This is a straightforward paper reporting on all the petitions concerning transport matters that the council has received in the previous year
And we then turned to the highway maintenance program paper
And this was an important paper updating the committee on the progress with the highway maintenance program
Since the committee considered the report at the February committee
subsequent to that February committee the
budget for road and pavement resurfacing
was very substantially increased through support
and then approval by the executive
of an increased capital allocation
for road and footway resurfacing.
The report noted the deteriorating condition
of our highways with the borough being responsible
for about 93 % of the roads in the borough,
which for some years have been deteriorating every year.
And this increased investment will stop the deterioration of the roads and
will improve them over the time and it will very significantly improve the condition
of our pavements which is obviously very important for resident safety.
So this was an important update paper and I'm very pleased that the team
Responsible for our road and pavement resurfacing is making very good progress
with the greatly increased program of resurfacing in this financial year.
Much of the funds for the resurfacing will be coming from the sill
and through the unring fencing of the nine elms sill that was approved at the July Finance Committee.
And as I say all recommendations in the Transport Committee papers were supported unanimously by the committee. Thank you
Thank You councillor the eight's yeah, it's fantastic to see that extra investment in our roads and pavements coming through
Any other comments or questions for council the eight's?
Then to take them in turn the bike hangar update
The Battersea CPZ operational review.
The annual petitions review.
And the highways maintenance program for 2425.
Thanks very much and congratulations if we can now look at the children's papers.
Thank you, chair.
Just one paper to report to the executive in relation to delivering on
the school and community facilities in Nine Elms. So our committee, all members
of the committee, we're delighted to be joined by Sarah Collemore, head teacher
at St. George's Primary School who we are partnering in terms of the school
that's going to move into the school part of the new building. It was
It's an absolute pleasure,
chair for you and I to meet Sarah Collemore
and go for a visit to the school
and talk further about the partnership.
It's a great opportunity as the school see it
to really bring together old and new communities
in the Nine Elms area,
and particularly the timing is very apt as 2026
when the school is going to be delivered,
will be the 200th year anniversary
of St George's primary school. In terms of committee there was a request from the minority
party for additional information in relation to the budget uplift. Members of the executive
I think are aware of what is driving the budget uplift that really is construction inflation
that is well above core inflation and we've seen on other project commercial sorry other
capital projects that have come to the executive.
The fact that we have found a partner school for the building
after plans for the building had already
been agreed by colleagues on planning committee,
and also the delivery of their special educational needs
base for children with social and emotional mental health
needs, which is much needed in the area.
So I'm committed to providing that information
to the opposition, but ultimately the plans were supported by the committee.
These are ambitious plans, we are delivering a high quality building to deliver the education
of tomorrow, and as I said the special needs base is really vital in terms of thinking
about managing our places for children with special educational needs within mainstream
schools to try and reduce pressure on our dedicated schools grant and so that
school children with special educational needs can be taught within their local
community near to their friends and family. Also really delighted as
Councillor Gatter will be aware that this building will also be delivering a
community space, a venue for cultural events, indoor sports hall, community
space and a multi -use game area which is going to be very much welcomed by the
local community. The building will also be one of the most sustainable schools
in Wandsworth and one of the most energy efficient in the country. All of those
plans as the executive will be aware are being delivered from developer
contributions in the area and there may be a penny on council tax to deliver
the building.
Thank you very much for that update.
It's going to be an exciting new school facility.
Any comments or questions for Councillor Stock?
Then is that paper agreed?
Thanks so much.
And finally we'll go to finance, Councillor Island.
Thank you.
There were four papers.
The first one was cost of living support update.
Our cost of living fund at 15 million pounds is the biggest in London,
which is a clear demonstration of our commitment to support residents in need.
And we welcome the extension of the government's extension of the household support fund,
which we plan to invest in food vouchers for those on preschool meals,
free school uniforms and crisis parents.
And this is providing 10 ,000 children in the borough with food vouchers
when they might otherwise go hungry. The paper also included information about
the excellent innovative work on increasing take -up of benefits for our
residents using data from the low -income family tracker and I want to thank
officers for their work having been recognized by the local government
association is cutting -edge. We think we have secured over 1 million pound a year
in benefits for our residents for this work. The minority party tabled some
amendments which we didn't support. We feel that the cost of living crisis
isn't over for all our residents so we want to continue with that and we also
putting the finishing touches to our response to trying to help those who
might be affected by the loss of the winter fuel payment. The second paper
that we discussed was general funds capital program update. Now we've got
ambitious to ambitious to improve a lot of things in the in the bar including
the Falcon Road underpass anyone who knows that knows how awful it is it's
been long long neglected and it's it's long overdue it's a hundred meter tunnel
and we are, we have a scheme to, we're taking submissions for a design to plan a brighter and more pleasant experience
unveiled next year in the London Borough of Culture, when one is London Borough of Culture.
We also, we also agreed plans to expand childcare provision places using the Department for Education grant
and Putney Leisure Centre, we're going to spend a third of a million pounds on that.
So that was supported by our party but the minority party abstained.
The next paper we spoke about was delivering the Clean the Borough Plan.
Now, it's our ambition to be the cleanest borough in London.
We've made lots of improvements to the service but we recognize
we need to invest more in the service to achieve that.
So the paper considered an additional budget of one and a half million pound a year,
which we approved. The minority party abstained.
And then finally, the budget variation paper, which was – this is just a wash -up paper really.
So other committees where they approve additional spend comes to the Finance Committee
so that we can adjust the bar.
And again, five votes in favour and four abstentions from the minority party.
Thank you.
Thanks so much, Councillor Island.
So again, to take those in order, is the cost of living support update supported?
Thank you.
And the General Fund Capital Program update?
Delivering the Cleaner Borough Plan?
That's going to be an important one.
And finally, the budget variations.
Well, thanks all very much for your work and for your time this evening.
That's the end of the meeting.