Licensing Sub-Committee - Wednesday 31 July 2024, 7:00pm - Wandsworth Council Webcasting
Licensing Sub-Committee
Wednesday, 31st July 2024 at 7:00pm
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alcohol for consumption, on the premises between 10 am and 8 pm and also provide provision of regulated entertainment lights, live and recorded music between 10 am and 8 pm, the application was advertised as required, and this resulted in an agreement with or,
Environmental Services, A noise and nuisance team and the agreement is detailed on page paragraph 7 of the report Chair, and they we also received 3 objections, although one was rejected, the second one was withdrawn, the only one that you are considering tonight is one objection and that is in terms of public new says and prevention of crime and disorder they object to as listed their concerns
in the report Chair, we didn't receive any objection from other responsible authorities. The applicant has volunteered measures in Appendix detailed in Appendix A which can be added to the licence if, if Members are minded to grant as conditions of the licence or members can also modify these conditions if they concede, as such tips
appropriate after hearing all the evidence tonight the copies of the representations
the objections received Chair were forwarded to the Sub-Committee and also the applicant, so the Committee tonight, as the following options to consider which are appropriate for promoting the licensing objectives and wants to either grant the application, as requested, modify the conditions of the application or add new ones or to reject the all application or part of it, and this is the application, as I understand it, Chair a man's, I'm happy to answer any any questions. The only other thing I forgot to mention is we did have this event last year, the the the the at the same premises. So this is not a new event. Last year the applicant did apply for a licence, but it was time limited for one event,
thank you, thank you very much, Councillor French.
just a small point of correction in the Sharkey's preamble and as she's always on point, just a small one is for the 14th of September, not the 12.
I think I did that was yes, I do apologise, Councillor, that was the the one on the 12th it was last year.
when they event was held at the same location and DCA, that's great yeah, that's great and VCM is the 14th of September last year, when the how they event it was on the 12th of September I can I just wanted to just in case anyone from the public square here and there was confusion but for years shocking for the correction sorry, thank you.
thank you, Lord, but that's really helpful, and I do have a point has got in touch, and actually I'm sorry, but the event was held at the events being held this year predominant on what type of licence would I'm just interested in why yeah, well, is this a different type of licence that that's been applied for this year was a temporary event licence last year? Yeah so yeah, thank you, Chair said last year it was like just a time, limited premises, licence and people can do that and maybe day applicant may be able to explain why they did that. Maybe they wanted to test the event and see how we went back
they are actually now applying for an indefinite licence, but it will be only for two days only within that specified period safety slices his if Members are minded to grant it, it will carry on until you know for the life of of that business.
we're trying to do that.
other other renewable clarification questions from the Sub-Committee.
OK, so, in that case I now invite the applicant to address the Sub-Committee hello welcome.
Mr McLaren, you'll have five minutes to speak to the committee, so basically I mean you've seen the papers, new senior objections as well, I suppose, helpful to officers and explaining why you are applying for this.
how you answer values are objections and how you can
reassure us that this would be the, this would be a good event for Once-ler.
I many of them in any event, manager of tasted, a Caribbean, food and drink drink Festival, no, I thank you to say, thanks to the Sub-Committee for this hearing and also want to thank the local resident who actually made the objection, because it definitely shows that he cares about his community cares about his park, I just want to make sure that the right things are being done, so I'm I'm frankly, but to be able to give some information just to give more clarity and understanding today, event and things that we have in place to make sure that everyone is safe for everybody. Tasted a Caribbean, Food and drink Festival is exactly that as a Food and drink Festival is a family orientated event that welcomes people who ages, races, religions and sexual orientations to a family of them to really enjoy Caribbean, culture and Caribbean food.
it's also an event that caters for a demographic of people that are often overlooked during the festival season festival season in the UK has gone to no massive levels as festivals every weekend but as a demographic of people are often overlooked and that his families as people over the age of 60 nowadays people with disabilities is the Caribbean Food and drink Festival is one of the only festivals of this size that the youngest member of the family can attend and also the oldest member of the family can attend and they can have a great family day out the event consists of a small,
on what lesser medium online music stage I'm not only caters for tribute bands such as you before a and Bob Marley tribute bands, it doesn't have we don't have any established music performers that people from far and wide will be coming to see is literally just tribute acts to give that kind of nostalgia and give that Caribbean failing, we have lots of on street food traders represented in different islands of the Caribbean, we always have this traders and also nodded through traders with market stalls selling everything from books to close.
is Tory, etc we have funfair rides and or any large bonfire rise has made a small funfair rides with small kids, we also have a free kids' activity area, where we have circus skills puppet shows storytelling in arts and crafts and we make sure, like I said, we keep it family orientated to make sure there's lots of things for the kids to do we're now in our fourth year
and will grow year on year, in 2023, when we first event in women of Park we had seven events per year this year, 2024 were now up to 17 festivals right now, actually in the middle of the season we've completed nine event so far so over a four year period and over 20 festivals we have never had a serious incident, we've never had to cool.
emergency services about any typo anti-social behaviour, we've never had any reports of any anti-social behaviour of for an event of we have been within a park itself or decided that the event has been held with in the you know the surrounding streets of the event afterwards we've never had any reports of anti-social behaviour or any reason to Ebico
emergency services event doesn't go onto to lay. It finishes at 8 p.m. When he stood Rye, the fun actually doesn't set for another two hours after the actual event itself ends. We we work with the subgroup, you know the SAG for once were, and I know it would be with the ones are council. They also work with the King's Council Anderson council, so we'd sometimes to all of the significance. At the same time, we have meetings with all of the different police. Licensing for those borrowers are at the same time and we've never ever told anybody know, we've never had any objections, any anything that the place I've ever ask for anything that certainly is an asphalt we've always agree to, we've always a day to. We will have to take him with the information and work with different councils to make sure that given is as safe as possible and as well-run as possible for local residents, for the community and to make sure that we're here
every single year, this event to take place in women apart last year it was a very successful event, very well-attended and we've got amazing feedback from the local community and once again there was no anti-social behaviour whatsoever, so I can definitely ashore.
local resident that maybe objection that you know this is not really an event that has any type of history for anti-social behaviour and all of the
requirements, so requests are put in place by the police, for example, the amount of essays. Yes, I security that we have having a CCTV van, and you know the full site covered by CCTV owed the the rules and regulations around drinking and alcohol. Like I said we we, we are. We agree to all of the conditions set forward by the police and the fact for me, so I can assure we do our due diligence and every step has been taken to make sure that this is a well-run of them and I think I survived for me
thank you, thank you, that was very comprehensive.
OK so.
at this stage and obviously United the object.
present Bondarenko, Paul Horbury doesn't able to be here, but both Councillor French and I have read.
his objection, so I'm going to combine see bits Nasa so basically.
the Councillor French, do you have any questions for the applicant?
I say, and how many people does, the event tend to attract?
different sites, this difference to ease, attract different people, and the festival season this year has been really hit by bad weather, sorry about whether that will happen in the UK is really a lot of the festival, so numbers are down on previous years and the licence that we we've applied for enables us to have up to 4,999 people on-site at any one time what none of our sites are seeing those kind of numbers this year just because,
people are very cautious about money that they're spending due to due to the weather.
so, for example, that O'Brien suggested just the Berliner and thank you outline at the end of I just have some very direct questions. What was the amount of people that attended the site last year, this particular site, do you have a numbers for the last year's located by not just to add I don't have them to hand Surrey, OK, thank you did. I think, to me that alleviates to understand I can appreciate anywhere else in the world or other sides, because this had been held last year, he just put a bid in for me useful to know what the attendance was and just just for background to alleviate the concerns from Mr Hargreaves about some flat lots of people exploited by Phidhir happen numbers, it won't have any bearing on my decision
thank you.
thank you, I've got a couple of questions to ask them, but just I guess to get an understanding of the title has been one of its kind of reassurance. I suppose that you've done this now you say this would be the fourth time in this location, that's the second time in this location for a second time in this location. Yes, OK, but it's not what you've done a number of these events needed, and it's the second time in this location, so are booked to me about it sounds very family orientated, of course, what sort of things that you do in, for instance, to make sure people are leaving at a reasonable time and on hanging around if there's alcohol being sold in 2 lights, how do you know people aren't gonna be lingering in the parking? So 9 10 11 12
OK, we just don't have that demographic, the demographic is, is families, so literally as the event finishes, everyone leaves and towards the because people comes from so early that people are families, Committee or children from 10 11 errors, there is quite a long day,
by by 6 4 8 7, I would say 80% of the people who have already left aside anyway because of food and drink, so majority people stay for like two to three hours to get some people who will actually stay for the whole day but by 6 but I would say from luck about over 85 onwards people are are steady leaving by 6 30 am the majority of people have left.
by several by 7 30 I might only be a couple of hundred people still left on the Sir Alex, I said it is families as soon as the event finishes, everyone leaves and goes home, we just don't have a demographic equal that lights within the park afterwards, stop right, thank you yourself or I'm enamoured seen in you've mentioned security and things like that our big.
talking about what we're nearly 5,000 people, how big is your team, how many people are we talking about in your et cetera?
OK so, and the the the conditions in agreement with places is 200 sorry 1 1 essay, security guards to every 200 people just wanted to another.
so 25 I can't do that matters or how it's on for 25 minutes yeah thank you, thank you, Dr.
I again I'm named, and it seems fairly, fairly straightforward, to be honest, what your what, your, what you're suggesting and the reason the yeah desperately trying to come up with questions, because I'm I am conscious that the residents had an issue and I want I want to make sure that those issues are addressed, Councillor French,
a discipline he says.
particular reason why now you'd like this to be an given, as opposed to applying for lacquer and
temporary licence every year or so flat
identifying this particular site to be a place that will be indefinitely.
I'm just might, for once every wedding were minded, as Ms shock, he said, to agree to the licence it, it's it's indefinite.
or forever as long as the business so
when we were making the applications on last year and the Licensing departments,
I, like I said Well, we've Desai, I'm I'm I deal with life, free, different Councils at the same time, so the Licensing departments, because it was first family event, was coming to these borrowers, and it wasn't aware of event. They prefer that we only apply for a licence that Covid us to just that one year after they do not attended the event you know, we've had licensed the Department's come down with, please come down, so now that so much to report so they feel safe to come down, so not now that so much departments of the Council of attended these events, senior events are really happy with events. It was the Licensing departments who actually advised us to now apply for a licence that is ongoing so that we don't have to go through every year. We'd have to go through the application process every single year, so it's actually the Council Licensing departments at Basel Stuart this year, this way Surrey moving forward
thank you.
it makes sense to say thank you, I'm is shocking.
thank you Chair, I guess, because of estate Damian is not meeting, the Licensing battled think it is important, I explained that further.
my understanding is through the safety advisory group me, you know when you meet all day because the licensing department don't make that decision, it's through all the responsible authorities.
just to clarify the responsible authorities, that would probably have that pre consultation and goodbye advised last year that you just do a temporary to test, to see if there are any issues and then come back once he evaluate your event last year sway slide the responsible authority the place you know noise and use his team in trading Standards or it's a group of people youth court serious.
I woke up.
what I wanted to ask you something, I am shocked and so on for last year's event I just want to confirm there were no complaints, there were no issues. Mushrooms when roads in urban environments, with alcohol the police. To, to my knowledge, we did deal with some complaints, but they were not warranted the with vexatious. That's my understanding, you know the complaints came in and they were investigated. There will know the when vexatious
that's very thoughtful, thank you very much, Mr Bishop.
yes, just following up on what a shock he said, it's very important to remember that where you've got a premises licence for an event like this, with a sort of numbers involved.
if there were to be problems at the event this year, then obviously the licence could be reviewed and therefore you wouldn't have the licence going forward ad infinitum because you'd be able to review and reconsider it in a way I don't doubt that's hopefully not going to happen but that is available if the if there were to be a problem in terms of the management of the event.
sorry, Councillor French, and thank you Mr vicious that's really useful information. I then envisage there will be problems either and but because Damian, I'm you and are unable for me to share how many people were there last year. It is good that information is really useful for me to understand how big of the scale, potentially there could be more people potentially more problems. So, Mr Bishop saying that there's that latter view gives me much more confidence. That should anything go awry. The were able to mitigate, by coming back Kevin having a further discussion, potentially so just to say, the question I asked was to do with potential problems before, where we're at now and to ensure that we can kind of, if anything goes wrong, re-let back in in the future, a future meeting. So I think we were aware we were roughly in a region of like about 3,000 people because I heartily exact accurate figures where they want to say anything, but it is in the region of 3,000 pupils. Last year.
that would make sense to me, I was just going to say that, obviously, the other aspect of the Safety Advisory Group being involved, because they obviously approved the noise management plan and the and
plans that go into this is that, even if they were concerned, at the last minute there was a problem, they could take action under their own authority and at our own legislation to deal with that particular problem. My expectation and I've experienced this elsewhere is that the Damian and his team would say OK this. This is what you're serious, this is what we can do and so solve the problem, and then they'll be happy again, but ultimately they do have those powers and I have done research on that in the past. Certainly the Fire Authority powers are quite significant in terms of closing down things, but I don't think that whatever happened in this situation, not with the with the history that you've be Nick, presented with
well, we've we've we've been within the application itself that we've put forward, we do still have to submit an event Management Plan to the site grew each year that that needs to be approved, so we still need to stand up in a medical plan, security plan event management plan, noise management plan that still has to go over a certain amount of months beforehand. The police and licensing also have power of veto as part of the application as well, so,
it's literally just the kind of application process and balloon places, and the newspaper adverts, et cetera, et cetera, but almost everything else that we do, we still have to do year on year.
really helpful, thank you.
OK, so are there any more questions and subject to the applicant?
let me say.
well in that case, who's was slightly truncated meeting,
that now concludes this part of the mix and the decisions, reasons and any legal guidance given chairing the sub-committees discussion has form, that is, the decision will be confirmed in writing that, with the information about any rights of appeal within five working days and members of the Licensing Sub-Committee Democratic Services Officer,
and the legal adviser will now join a separate confidential meeting to make their decision, Mr clean, I wanted to thank you for coming along and taking a new events us tonight, thank you.
and she has, frankly, his remarks, he bemoaning keep an eye on the best.