Licensing Committee - Tuesday 16 July 2024, 6:30pm - Wandsworth Council Webcasting
Licensing Committee
Tuesday, 16th July 2024 at 6:30pm
An agenda has not been published for this meeting.
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going through this triple tonight, my third year by insignia.
this is a good event, everybody pullover good evening and welcome to this meeting of the Licensing Committee, this meeting is being webcast and some officers may be accessing, virtually so please bear with us if we experience any technical difficulties, my name's Councillor McLeod, I'm the Chair of the Licensing Committee members as members of the Committee I will now call your names in alphabetical order.
please switch on your microphone and confirm your attendance Councillor virtual.
good evening.
Councillor Davis, good evening, Councillor French good evening.
Councillor Justin, yes, good evening.
and Councillor ref Varithena garage, excuse me, sorry, similar.
so I've already received apologies from Councillors Brooks Marshall Mayorkas and Salah.
members are reminded to ensure you might finds at stand-off, and I shall speak in and.
upside was that and Councillor sweet as long as I think thank you.
when you call to speak in every time you do please state your name, please bear in mind the Committee must remain core at all times and actually you should remain present throughout the item under discussion in order to legitimately vote on the item unless you have a conflict of interest with the item we have a number of officers present who will introduce themselves when they address the Committee.
sorry, first item is the the minutes from the last Committee meeting held on the 12th of March 2024.
I assume Ivo had a chance to look over them.
I just want to.
members to confirm that the the notes are in order been noted, basically.
thank you.
OK, so are there any declarations of even pecuniary or or pecuniary other registerable or non registrable interests, please declare any interests points in the item they relate to.
thank you very much, everybody.
OK hedge agenda, item 3, the yearly review of the Council's Statement of Licensing Policy.
this is gonna be repo presented by or officer Caroline shop key, what I'm saying she issues, they're wonderful okay.
and are over to you over to you and shocking.
thank you, Chair, and and, as you say to introduce myself, am the Licensing Manager.
and wary that the Members have read this report. So I'm just going to give you the summary of the report that you've got in front of you so they cease statement of a gambling policy and principles. We are required Chair and a Section 3 4 9 of the Gambling Act to review our policy every three years and this policy, the next successful period for it, will be fit to face until January next year, but the police needs to be adopted by the 31st of December. We are required by law to publicise the draft policy for weeks before it comes into force appendix 1 of the report share, which is on pages 13 to
62 sets out the draft policy for the next three years, starting from 2025 2028. We are not proposing to make any substantial changes to the full statement, but we have had the opportunity to I do. It makes a minor amendment to wake Chair and also some additional information, some some some minor sections, that we we are bad at in, and these are detailed in the committee report under paragraph 3.6 on pages 7 to 8 of the agenda
in terms of continuation, with no casino policy, there's not been any significant changes in the Borough Chair and therefore we are asking Members tonight to concede the continuation of a no casino policy in the borough, so the report Chair is asking for Members to approve the draft statement of principles and Policy under the Gambling Act as set out in Appendix 1 and also to approve to comes out on the reinstating of the no casino policy as required under section 1 6 6 of the Gambling Act, that is the summary of the report, I'm happy to answer any questions at this stage chair, or any points of clarification, thank you.
thank you very much, that's appreciated.
from what you have any questions for Ms shocking.
not one, and neither do I. And so can I can we accept?
can we accept the draft proposal?
thank you very much, thank you.
and now moving on to Item 4, which is the proposed community communities cumulative impact assessment.
you and me both again I over outfit Sue, Ann a Licensing Manager.
it's a me again, thank you Chair again, I don't propose to go through all the report with you, I'll just give you the a summary of the report and petulant points for members to consider, so it cumulative impact assessment was introduced under Section 5 A of the Licensing Act.
by virtue of section 1 4 1 of the Policing and Crime at 20.17, they accept the Act sets out what the Licensing Authority mass due to introduce a cumulative impact Policy and also sits they, the guidance sets out some information that the local authority has to collect before any cumulative impact is set up.
and the cumulative impact Policy is once adopted must be reviewed every three years as offsets up in in my report share accumulated being parked, really refers to the undermining of the licensing objective due to a number of premises located in one area the accumulative impact may because, despite the best efforts of responsible license holders but it's just because it's the combined effect of multiple premises in close proximity and overall the impact and on having an adverse impact on the licensing objectives,
it takes the meeting on the 25th of October last year, the Committee may recall that they agreed to accumulative impact assessments to be carried out within the borough, this was also reflected in the revised Statement of Licensing Policy under paragraph 10.1, which was approved by the Full Council on 22 of May this year.
as I have stated earlier chair the guidance, the statutory guidance provided a list of information that local authority has to take into consideration before inhumanity being parked his introduced, this information is listed under paragraph 3.2 of the report, which is on page 66 of the agenda and the committee is also asked tonight to take into consideration the Council's ambitions of the night-time strategy which was implemented last year and also to take into consideration the exceptions that we've listed if it committed to impact policy was to be implemented in the Barrow for the Committee to consider.
paragraph 4, which is on pages 6 to 68 of the agenda, so we are asking Members tonight to consider a report and to approve the data streams that we have proposed in the report and also to approve the exceptions, taking into consideration the night-time economy, our night-time strategy and that is the report Chair I'm happy to answer any points at this stage or any points of clarification, thank you.
the FA. Thank you very much, Councillor back, I was at Committee, I me and unhallowed are Councillor welcome, do you have a question as well as yes, obviously thank you Chairman. Firstly, apologies for lateness sets the thunderstorm outside and I was Stockholm Icona but good to be here and I saw a couple of points in the paper where it refers to Matt and rather than Wandsworth are on page 20 and Page.
I assume no such as steroids, but it'd be good to just understand what their relationship is with Martin, I assume there has been some kind of discussion between officers but just to understand you know where that's come from what we're learning from Merton those kinds of things thank you and thank you Councillor and I I'm assuming you mean the Gambling Policy.
those the errors and
yes, yes, I do, I do apologise for that eats, the we are, do provide services to meet him as well and and Richmond, so in terms of the Gambling Policy needs is in its principle. We have looked at each council and we have made similar changes which don't have any effect on the borrower's structure is just the way we would discharge the functions under the Gambling Policy for all gambling operators in the through Barrass. So that's a mistake on my part, I do apologise, I will change that to ones with
great thanks.
thank you to Councillor bathroom.
thank you the night-time strategy, have we got access to to what the night-time strategy now is?
yes, Councillor, that is on the website on the Council with Wandsworth council web site, so I'm happy to send that through Democratic Services, so we can we can e-mail you the link for that, so you can have a look at the document, thank you very much.
Lincoln website, sorry, your report at paragraph 4 point was nothing.
as well.
but because we sort of need to be looking at the whole thing as a whole, don't we, you know, where are nighttime hubs going to be and where we are going to have slightly quieter areas may be, you know, residential areas so yeah, I'll need to look at that. Thank you so much. It welcome, and I'm just to clarify that Councillor Lowry's, when we produced a report, you will be able to see from the data streams that we're going to put before you in October. You will see the areas where it the information on crime data, and so should be a combination of effect which will give you some intelligence that those areas may need a cumulative impact Policy and then you will make a decision. So it's not all the areas within the Borough by intelligence that will collect and put before you will give you any uninformed or hopefully for you to make an informed decision
which part of the barrow, you would think they would benefit from a community being packed.
thank you, because you know, if we are getting an application, for I mean I'm thinking up the premises Licensing rather than gambling.
but it would be good to know if.
whether, when an application comes to us that it is within one of those areas or not it to be guessing it when we get the application to help us with our decision-making, yeah, yeah, yeah, absolutely right and through you Chair that is how it would wake if a cumulative impact policy was implemented and you have an application can before you you would have to is scrutinised the application with whether it would add impact to today to the
to the area, if the licence were to be granted any to be ultimately the licence holder, the applicant all has to convince you that they are operating model but would not add any impact, so you will have that that the policy of accumulative impact within the game combined with the licensing policy for you to make that decision,
for Frankie among about spots to must that's how I understand this is an extra tool for us, you'd like to be able to use it when they did Councillor.
thank you, Chair I Councillor Humphreys I just wanted to be clear what it is were actually decided and can I just for clarity really the living up for anybody else who might be listening, so we're not making a decision on whether we're going to have this or not yet or we or we're deciding to Nigel Wray we're authorising tonight is for the data stream gathering to in the evidence gathering to take place and then I wouldn't want people to think that we're.
we rue de facto saying we are going to have been and will always at all, we were improvements, that is, is the evidence gathering to look at in the future to then make a decision, whether we are going to have one or not, that's that's correct, isn't it?
and it's right, that is correct Councillor and again through you chaired, as I stated out in the married Paul, we will go away and gathered the evidence for each each ward within the borough and we will be able to collect information that we've listed in the report and then we will put it before you we met, probably through looking at the data says we might probably come up with an area but ultimately it will be up to the Committee to make that final decision.
as they are at the next meeting in October and and then if the Committee decided to go for a cumulative impact Policy within a particular area within the borough, it was to have to go out to public consultation and the consultation will be three. We would take three months and then would have to come back again to report. There is out of that confirmation, so you're absolutely right not making a decision tonight, you just approving what with the data streams that was put forward and the exceptions, whether these we can go away and collect that information for the committee, thanks were shocking. We've just come back adventure or an on again, you alluded to that as well. I can just just another report on phone and thank you for all the hard work is going through, which was just again for people who minded before favourite how it all works, but we have the option at this stage of whether we do it Borough wide or doing specifically designed in particular areas. So we can be very specific about whether this is the kibbutz as bigger or smaller rely in different areas. There's no kind of like all or nothing kind of approach. We have the flexibility to do what everything is appropriate, dependent on that evidence base at the gathering that's right in that year. That is absolutely correct, so you've you will have the Committee at the next meeting in October, when we present the data to you, you will be able to decide whether you want accumulative impact, a policy within a specific ward or an area within the ward, and then you'll be able to decide whether you wanted to have all the or on one of premises such as pubs, or you would like to just have the cumulative impact Policy to midnight refreshments, but off-licences or all three categories of premises licences. So you, the committee, in October, we will be able to make that decision and was that decision is made. That's when we would then is to get to a public consultation
sorry, thank you Les that's really helpful one last thing about marriage, sorry and I don't know if again I apologise if this is in the report, if it was I missed it, but is there going to be an opportunity at some stage in this data gathering exercise for all ward councillors to contribute something because I think we all know in our own patches places that we might have some useful information about hotspots and things like that which is getting somebody really useful to feed into into your data gathering thing before we get to the stage of making a decision because,
often were conduits for either, whether it's you know e-mails in casework and stuff and things like that, but we do all know our patches quite well and it might be useful for you to have that as an extra bit of data input to the through the process before we get to the final stage.
yeah, absolutely Councillor entry, you Chair, there will be Sam particular key interest groups that we will be looking at, and the Ward Councillors will be. One of the key interest groups will be looking at the police data and speaking today, Local S N teas, in terms of what Local inflammation and in intelligence they have, so all that will then be collected and then will present it to you. In addition to other public data from light, for example, the ambulance data in terms of incidents call out to particular areas within the Ward. So, yes, all that information will be presented to you. I at the meeting in October,
thanks very much.
Councillor swains Councillor on Fritz's Ross, my question thanks.
incredibly efficient, thank you.
any more questions from the Committee.
on this.
looking around now, and in that case can I ask if this item is approved, thank you.
no okay, and that concludes the business of the Committee, thank you for your attendance, we shall now pose before of that before a rigorous regulatory licensing committee, thank you.